[Jool-list] NAT64 behind NAT44?

Alberto Leiva ydahhrk at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 16:42:37 CST 2018


I think there's a pretty good chance that this is the same problem as
issue #267. (https://github.com/NICMx/Jool/issues/267)

The release of Jool 3.6.0 has been a particularly painful one, and so
more than one month later I still don't have a commit I can honestly
call a release candidate. However, the fix to issue #267 has already
been collapsed into the master branch, which is not known to have any
problems (aside from the ones Jool 3.5.7 already had).

If you haven't tried already, please try the code at this exact commit:
Feedback on whether it made your problem vanish, or even whether you
see any changes, would be extremely valuable.

On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 3:24 PM Maurice Walker <mail at maurice-walker.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to migrate a LAN to IPv6-only. It has been Dual Stack for many years, Internet connectivity is also Dual Stack. IPv4-only clients won't be an issue, but access to the IPv4 Internet is required. So using NAT64 and DNS64 seems to be a good idea. Initial testing with Go6Lab's public Jool NAT64 was very promising (thanks guys!).
> The existing WAN-facing router can't do NAT64, doesn't run Linux, cannot be easily replaced and uses the only public IPv4 address. So I locally deployed a dedicated NAT64 VM (OpenWrt with Jool) and gave it an RFC1918 address. Which means NAT64 (performed by Jool) followed by traditional masquerading (performed by the existing router). It works, but I noticed some issues like video streams dropping out and delays when loading certain websites. Those can't be reproduced when using Go6Lab's public Jool NAT64. I did not yet investigate the root cause since this configuration might not be a good idea after all. What do you think? Would it be better to run Jool somewhere in the cloud? Any other options?
> Thanks,
> Maurice
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