[Jool-list] Question about 'more' netfilter/iptables stuff

Sander Steffann sander at steffann.nl
Fri May 3 06:49:37 CST 2024


> thanks for your answer - quite an interesting idea :-). Just two questions:
> 1. I forgot to mention that the direction S1 -> A1 or B1 is also required. Means that a service in shared environment has to access a client in customer-a-network (there will be defined ipv4 nat-network for every customer).

Yeah, that won’t work in this setup.

> 2. I tried some configurations but it seems that I have not enough knowledge/understanding how to configure your proposal. May I ask you to show me the jool-commands for a1 and s1? network A can have 10.10.20.X as source network in S1

I need some time to come up with a solution for requirement 1. If I forget, feel free to poke me next week :)


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