[Jool-list] Stuck with MAP-T

Alberto Leiva ydahhrk at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 12:40:42 CDT 2020


Does anyone understand the difference between A and PSID from RFC
7597#section-5.1? [0]

> For
> example, the first 256 ports are represented as port prefix 0.0/8 and
> the last 256 ports as 255.0/8.  In hexadecimal, these would be
> 0x0000/8 (PSID = 0) and 0xFF00/8 (PSID = 0xFF), respectively.

> A:  Selects the range of the port number.  For 'a' > 0, A MUST
>     be larger than 0.  This ensures that the algorithm excludes
>     the system ports.  For the default value of 'a' (6), the
>     system ports are excluded by requiring that A be greater
>     than 0.  Smaller values of 'a' exclude a larger initial
>     range, e.g., 'a' = 4 will exclude ports 0-4095.  The
>     interval between initial port numbers of successive
>     contiguous ranges assigned to the same user is 2^(16 - a).

They seem to be the same thing...

[0] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7597#section-5.1

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